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updates 2020-10-18 - A rather more complete filmography is listed with currently 111 DVD's identified

updates 2020-10-18 - cover for  Subway - Avantgarde Extreme 52 added

updates 2020-10-19 - various cover added + clips in the media category

updates 2020-10-19 - Header made animated

updates 2020-10-23 - various cover for Videorama , Incognito, EVS and Create X added

updates 2020-10-26 - cover added to Filmography and some animated png images

updates 2020-10-30 - cover added to Filmography Create X

updates 2020-11-01 - Webmaster's request re-structured into DVD and Photoset/ Info 

updates 2020-11-01 - Webmaster's request DVD cover added of those DVD's I don't have yet

updates 2020-11-01 - Filmography - 130 DVD's identified own 102 of them now

updates 2020-11-03 - Media - Photos - uploaded the cover and disc images in high res

updates 2020-11-04 - Filmography - Labels from new acquisitions added Bacchus, MMV, Quest

updates 2020-11-09 - Filmography & Media Photos Hustler H2 Video cover added

updates 2020-11-11 - Filmography - 134 DVD's identified own 108 of them now

updates 2020-11-11 - Media - Photos - cover and disc images of 108 DVD releases in high resolution

updates 2020-11-11 - Webmaster's Request - DVD & Money - Rewards for infos of missing DVD's /


updates 2020-11-15 - Filmography restructured , Label logos added

updates 2020-11-17 - 4 Nylonic Movies identified and added to the filmography and Media Photos

updates 2020-12-01 - 3 Quest movies added to my DVD collection, cover added to filmography

                                    and Media - Photos

updates 2020-12-19 - Filmography - 140 DVD's identified own 118 of them now

updates 2020-12-19 - Media - Photos - cover and disc images added for Magma, Mick Haig


updates 2021-07-17 - Printmedia - Magazines added and made downloadable pdf files

updates 2021-07-25 - Printmedia - some more czech magazines added 


updates 2022-03-19 - Filmography - 155 DVD's identified own 132 of them now

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